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Stretching is important for sporty & no sporty people

For those who spend the day at office as well as for those who have a physical work, YOUR MUSCLES NEED YOU.

Stretching should be a daily task. It is wrong to think that stretching is required only by people who exercise.

Some benefits of stretching

Don't underestimate the power of stretching:

  • Relief from pain

  • Increase energy levels

  • Increase flexibility

  • Better range of motion of the joints

  • Greater circulation of blood to various parts of the body

  • Relaxation and stress relief

  • Enhance muscular coordination

  • Improve posture

  • Greater sense of well-being

  • Improve athletic performance

  • Decrease risk of injury

  • Reduce soreness

How to stretch

I recommend this article which explains you exactly the exercise needed for each of your muscles. Take a look here

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