I am going to start this post with the moral:
It is true that your happiness depends only on YOU and if you want to come down, you will.
Often we are what we decide to be...
Last week I read that nowadays during a job interview process, the ones who get the job most of the times are those ones who truly believe they are the wanted candidate.
This means that, considering you have the initial skills for the job, if you believe that you are good, social, positive, decisive, determined,... you get the job. Although you do not have those traits, you truly believe it at that moment and you instill them.
After reading this, I came to two conclusions:
First, in order to get something, you have to really believe in it
and second, you cannot trust on what you see.
Sometimes we think people are better than us or happier than us or luckier than us…but the truth is that you only see what they allow you to see.
A good example are the social networks. If you take a look at facebook, you can see people only posting nice and happy moments: pictures with friends or family during a dinner or a trip laughing and enjoying… but that picture is not the summary of those people’s lives. Those people also have lonely moments, or bad days at work or sad times… In the end we are all human beings with emotions and feelings.
Social networks show a virtual life making yours looks worse. I do not know, maybe we are evolving too fast...
Each of us must be happy with our current life. There will be always someone better than you but also there will be always someone worse than you.
Downplaying problems is something we all should do. We all will die one day and I do not want to regret of having spent my time complaining when I could have been enjoying it.
There are really serious problems in life which we have to face and get over them. However there are other problems that are not so important, simple things that make us upset. For those kind of problems, we have to learn to downplay comparing them with really serious problems: the hunger, the cancer, children’s rape… and then you would realize that you do not have any important problem in your life.
It sounds easy but it is not when we feel angry, frustrated, low energy, sad…
Remind to downplay and stop comparing yourself with others! We are all unique. We all have something special which others cannot get. Feel unique and enjoy people!
And do not allow anybody to step on you, as a wise said once "no man is more than other". You will be what you want to be.